First aiders at Mercantile claims undertook an annual refresher course which built on their expertise and confidence by involving them in realistic situations with simulated casualties.

This course is strongly recommended by the Health and Safety administrative to reduce the level of skill fade in candidates that have attended either the First Aid at work or the Emergency First Aid at Work courses.

Two designated members of our team practised their first aid skills in a practical, hands on scenario. This refresher course covered the following:

  • First Aid at Work & Emergency First Aid at Work.
  • Dealing with the unconscious casualty.
  • Recovery Positions
  • Choking.
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation.
  • Shock.
  • Wounds / Bleeding.

Why should you take a first aid refresher?

So you’ve taken your first aid course, it’s been fun and you’ve got your qualification – yay! But as time goes on it becomes less of a practical skill and more of a past skill. Unpleasant though it may be, accidents happen and having a first aid qualification should mean you are prepared to deal with them. Even if your course was years ago! There are so many reasons to take a revitalize first aid course, below are just a few that Applied First Aid think show that even the most experienced need to update their skills every now and then. Take a read and tell us if you think we missed any!

5 reasons why you should refresh your first aid knowledge:

HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures.

  1. Employers are legally required to ensure their first aiders are competent andmaintain their skills throughout the three years in which their certificates are valid.

First aid advice can change as more and more research and discoveries about our world and our health are made. Attending a refresher course ensures you don’t get left behind and are updated with the most relevant and effective practices.

Refresh yourself on the first aid skills you have learned regularly otherwise when you come to re-qualify you won’t pass and therefore will no longer be considered to be proficient to act as a first aider. To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail!

  1. It is actually possible to attend a first aid course refresher for free – all the new information and revision you need without spending a penny! Look online, to see where free refresher courses are being offered in your area.