Netflix are warning customers to be Watchful after millions of users are targeted by scammers. The problem has become so bad the US government has issued an official warning about the highly convincing emails asking them to update their payment details, and a version of this scam is seeing users in the UK being also targeted.

Subscribers to the video streaming service have been warned that although the emails appear convincing, not to click on any of the internal links asking them to update their payment information. If users do click on the links, they are likely to have valuable information stolen which could lead to criminals stealing their money.

Scammers are always on the lookout for the latest victims and Netflix is the ideal platform to trick potential victims into handing over some of their hard earned money. Scammers do tend to target online services as they have the highest numbers of subscribers, which increases their chances of fooling more people. Netflix is considered the biggest video flowing service in the world, and will always be used to target unsuspecting victims.

What is the latest Netflix Scam?

The U.S.’s Federal Trade Commission has identified a new “phishing” scam targeting Netflix customers. The email claims the recipient’s Netflix account is “on hold” because the company is “having some trouble with your current billing information” and urges the user to click on a link to update their payment details. The phishing scam also listed an international phone number. The FTC said consumers should closely examine suspicious-seeming emails, with clues like bad grammar and spelling helping to indicate that it’s an illegal phishing scam.

Netflix now has over 130 million subscribers worldwide, making it a prime target. And it’s not just your credit card information the scammers are after, if they can get hold of your personal information they will sell it on the dark web.

Keep your Netflix account secure:

A spokesperson for Netflix commented: “We take the security of our members’ accounts seriously and Netflix employs numerous proactive measures to detect fraudulent activity to keep the Netflix service and our members’ accounts secure. Unfortunately, scams are common on the internet and target popular brands such as Netflix and other companies with large customer bases to lure users into giving out personal information.”

If you suspect you have received a fraudulent email or text message that appears to be from Netflix, follow these tips to keep your information safe and secure, and follow the steps bellow to report it:

1. Never enter your login or financial details after following a link in an email or text message. If you’re unsure if you’re visiting our legal Netflix website, type directly into your web browser.

2. Never click on any links or open any attachments in an email or text message you received unexpectedly, regardless of the source.

3. If you suspect an email or text message is not from Netflix, do not reply to it.

The FTC offers the following tips to beat scams, telling Netflix users that before they click on a link or share any personal information they should:

  • Check it out. If you have concerns about the email, contact the company directly. But look up their phone number or website yourself. That way, you’ll know you’re getting the real company and not about to call a scammer or follow a link that will download malware.
  • Take a closer look. While some phishing emails look completely legit, bad grammar and spelling can tip you off to phishing. Other clues: Your name is missing, or you don’t even have an account with the company.