Scammers Target Netflix Accounts

Wednesday 8th May 2024

Netflix are warning customers to be Watchful after millions of users are targeted by scammers. The problem has become so bad the US government has issued an official warning about the highly convincing emails asking them to update their payment details, and a version of this scam is seeing users in the […]

Uber fined £385,000 for losing customer data

Tuesday 7th May 2024

The Information Commissioners Office has fined Uber £385,000, for allowing hackers to steal data on 2.7 million UK customers. In 2016, hackers managed to obtain full names, addresses and phone numbers of Uber customers and the ICO said the whole incident was avoidable. Uber has also been fined 600,000 euros by regulators […]

Marriott Guest Reservation System Hacked

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Marriott says its guest reservation system has been hacked, potentially exposing the personal information of over 500 million guests. The world’s biggest hospitality company said 500 million guests information were at risk of a massive data breach that has been going on since 2014. Marriott said hackers had gained unauthorised access since […]

Scammers Stole Dad’s Christmas Savings!

Tuesday 7th May 2024

A dad from Scotland, no longer has any money left to buy his two children Christmas gifts after scammers stole his life savings from his bank account.
The 31 year old oil rig worker was targeted by scammers claiming to be staff from his bank. Rhys was the victim of a convincing number […]

The 12 Scams of Christmas

Monday 6th May 2024

As you’re busy planning for Christmas, the scammers are too, looking to earn some extra cash for Christmas and ruining others in the process. 2017 saw record numbers of scams and millions of pounds lost, but how can we avoid the trap this year? Well, arming yourself and others with information and […]

Is Cryptocurrency the real deal or the biggest scam ever?

Friday 3rd May 2024

Action Fraud, The Financial Conduct Authority and Government ministers have all warned of the dangers of cryptocurrency and how dangerous the lack of regulation in the market is. Statistics released by Action Fraud show that in June and July, victims reported losing an average of £10,000 per person, with 203 reports made […]

Is Financial Crime Investigated Adequately ?

Friday 3rd May 2024

An automated police run system is stopping 450,000 cases from being investigated by police officers adequately, and the cause is an unprecedented rise in financial crime.
Home Office Minister Ben Wallace released the figures after being questioned about whether or not financial crimes in the UK were being dealt with properly. A Lib […]

Financial Ombudsman Service Tells Banks To ‘Stop Blaming Victims’ !

Thursday 2nd May 2024

In their latest newsletter, the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has notified banks to treat victims of financial fraud more fairly, instead of assuming the victim was grossly negligent and to blame.
FOS see thousands of complaints from customers, who have had money stolen from their accounts, and assesses cases where the bank and […]

Business News In Brief

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Shop Direct lose £24.7 million in PPI Claims.
Shop Direct, which owns and, have reported a loss of £24.7 million in one year. This is in stark contrast to a £24.9 million profit in 2017. The company has put the loss down to a further £128 million set-aside to compensate customers […]

Crackdown on Fraud must target new generation of online scams.

Tuesday 30th April 2024

As people are becoming more and more aware of the types of scams out there, swindlers are having to create new ones, to replace the old ones. We are all aware of Phising but have you heard about Vishing, Spoofing, Twishing and Smishing ?
Neither had we, but these are just some of […]