Company Fined for sending 14.8 million spam texts

Wednesday 8th May 2024

A London based tax returns company has been fined £200,000 by the Information Commissioner’s Office for sending 14.8 million marketing text messages between July 2016 and October 2017. The ICO began an investigation after receiving over 2,100 complaints from members of the public.
The company, named as Tax Returned Limited, did not follow […]

Uber fined £385,000 for losing customer data

Tuesday 7th May 2024

The Information Commissioners Office has fined Uber £385,000, for allowing hackers to steal data on 2.7 million UK customers. In 2016, hackers managed to obtain full names, addresses and phone numbers of Uber customers and the ICO said the whole incident was avoidable. Uber has also been fined 600,000 euros by regulators […]

ICO fines two firms for making over one million nuisance calls

Tuesday 7th May 2024

Two companies, which made nearly 1.73 million direct marketing phone calls to people who registered on the telephone preference service, have been fined by the Information and Commissioners Office. DM Design Bedrooms Ltd, based in Glasgow, has been fined £160,000 for making more than 1.6 million cold-calls and Solartech North East Ltd, […]

Important Information About Nuisance Cold Calling

Monday 29th April 2024

At Mercantile Claims we like to keep our clients informed about what is happening in the Timeshare industry, and pride ourselves on being transparent about our business. With this in mind and the recently enacted General Data Protection Regulations, we feel this is a good time to talk to you about cold-calling […]

ICO Names and Shames Illegal Telemarketers

Saturday 27th April 2024

Our Vault LTD fined £70k by the Information Commissioners Office, after making 55,364 nuisance phone calls.
In a statement, the ICO said it had issued an Enforcement Notice to the company, ordering it to stop its illegal marketing activity.
Our Vault had been cold-calling people who had previously registered with the Telephone Preference Service […]

Cold Calling Con Companies Raided

Saturday 20th April 2024

The UK’s data protection watchdog has raided two companies it believes is behind millions of nuisance calls.
The two companies based in Birmingham and Brighton have been under the watchful eye of the Information Commissioners Office for a year after receiving hundreds of complaints.
The calls mainly concerned road traffic accidents, personal injury claims […]


Friday 19th April 2024

monster rewards

We have recently been made aware of several of our clients, who were members of Monster Rewards, having received a rather concerning letter.
The letter is purporting to be from an appointed liquidator by the name J Flynn.  The letter is printed on blank paper. It […]